Living a Happier Life…

Life is just too short not to live each day to its fullest. As we strive to go to higher heights and deeper depths in our spiritual existence, we must make changes. But at times, we may just need to let change happen. According to Entrepreneur magazine, here are a few more secrets to a happier, healthier life…

  • Do what you love. It’s pretty hard to maintain overall happiness if you hate your job.
  • Spend wisely. It’s tempting to believe that the more money you have, the happier you’ll be. But the reality is, it’s how you spend your money that helps you feel happier. Don’t waste the best years of your life in a joyless job, even if it’s paying the bills.
  • Listening to music lifts our spirits. It makes us feel better, in part because listening to music causes our brains to release dopamine, a neurochemical connected to pleasure and reward. 
  • You do you. One of the best things you can do to boost your happiness is to just be yourself. That means not being dependent on the approval of others, but accepting yourself for who you are. 
  • Build meaningful relationships. Happiness, love, friendship and community go hand in hand. As humans, we have a fundamental need to interact and connect with others. 

Be Inspired, Encouraged and Empowered to Live an Un-cluttered Life!

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Meet Candy H. Speight, Owner/Cert. Life Coach/Prof. Organizer – During her 32-year career at Xerox, she spent fifteen (15) years, as a Field Service Manager. Her primary role was to manage, coach and counsel people, not only in the work environment, but also from a personal perspective. As a professional organizer, for more than 10 years now, she has always wanted not only to organize various living spaces for my clients, which will always remain her passion. As we move forward, as a certified life coach, she will inspire, encourage, motivate, and empower women to be the best that they can be, by un-cluttering their lives; mind, soul and space.  She has wonderfully loving, hardworking husband, Kurt, (who supported her decision to retire in order to pursue her dream), a very grown son and two beautiful grown daughters .

The steps of a good man [woman] are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. Psalm 37:23 KJV

The Possibilities are Endless…

Reach for the Sky!! Winston Churchill wisely stated, “Success is never final; failure is never fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts,” [especially when the journey gets tough, and the mountains are high]. Remember, we must quicken our pace.  We’ve already come a long way and although we still have a long way to go, our steps will become leaps and we will go further, faster.

You may want to make a few adjustments in your daily routine and it starts with your mindset. According to Entrepreneur magazine, here are a few secrets to living a happier, healthier life.

  • Focus on positive thinking. Spend one to two minutes looking for positives in your life.
  • Celebrate small victories. Life is full of ups and downs, but in between we have a lot of little victories that go unnoticed. 
  • Find a work-life balance. Work takes up a lot of our day, but it shouldn’t be the only thing we do.
  • Live in the moment. Our thoughts and feelings often revolve around the past or the future. Reality is what you are experiencing in the very moment.
  • Surprise Yourself! It’s hard to feel happy if you are bored or feeling blah about life. Part of feeling happy is feeling stimulated, interested and a little surprised by life.

Be Inspired, Encouraged and Empowered to Live an Un-cluttered Life!

Let Us Help You! Don’t miss your spot to talk to me.

Schedule your FREE 30-min. Life Coaching Intro Call TODAY!

Meet Candy H. Speight, Owner/Cert. Life Coach/Prof. Organizer – During her 32-year career at Xerox, she spent fifteen (15) years, as a Field Service Manager. Her primary role was to manage, coach and counsel people, not only in the work environment, but also from a personal perspective. As a professional organizer, for more than 10 years now, she has always wanted not only to organize various living spaces for my clients, which will always remain her passion. As we move forward, as a certified life coach, she will inspire, encourage, motivate, and empower women to be the best that they can be, by un-cluttering their lives; mind, soul and space.  She has wonderfully loving, hardworking husband, Kurt, (who supported her decision to retire in order to pursue her dream), a very grown son and two beautiful grown daughters .

The steps of a good man [woman] are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. Psalm 37:23 KJV

Take Time from the Busyness…

It’s hard to believe that September is already over. We are officially back to the time of hustle and bustle, but don’t forget take time to give our mind a break…  I would also ask that in this time of busyness, with our coworkers, clients, family, and friends, that we share a smile, a hug or just take a moment to listen. Remember, there are people that may still be struggling on this journey called life.

You may also want to make a few adjustments in your daily routine.

  • Maintaining a compassionate mindset is another way to conserve energy.
  • Simply being grateful can give your mood a big boost
  • Keep a journal. Unclutter the mind. Take time to analyze and organize your thoughts.
  • Life is full of stressors, and it’s impossible to avoid all of them, so face it head on
  • Avoid comparing to others  It can take practice to stop comparing yourself to others, but it’s worth it for the benefit of having your inner peace and happiness.. 

Be Inspired, Encouraged and Empowered to Live an Un-cluttered Life!

Let Us Help You! Don’t miss your spot to talk to me.

Schedule your FREE 30-min. Life Coaching Intro Call TODAY!

Meet Candy H. Speight, Owner/Cert. Life Coach/Prof. Organizer – During her 32-year career at Xerox, she spent fifteen (15) years, as a Field Service Manager. Her primary role was to manage, coach and counsel people, not only in the work environment, but also from a personal perspective. As a professional organizer, for more than 10 years now, she has always wanted not only to organize various living spaces for my clients, which will always remain her passion. As we move forward, as a certified life coach, she will inspire, encourage, motivate, and empower women to be the best that they can be, by un-cluttering their lives; mind, soul and space.  She has wonderfully loving, hardworking husband, Kurt, (who supported her decision to retire in order to pursue her dream), a very grown son and two beautiful grown daughters .

The steps of a good man [woman] are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. Psalm 37:23 KJV

Live on Purpose

We live in an era where we spend a lot of time doing a lot of things, but accomplishing very little. We can no longer afford to do things the same old way and expect different results. May I suggest that you create a new daily routine. Start the day with a few moments of quiet, prayer, devotional, meditation, etc. This may mean that we have to get to bed a little earlier, so that we can get up a little earlier. Remember, breakfast is very important for having a productive day! Try to go to bed and get up the same time every day. The body responds best when it has a set rhythm. This can apply to the whole family.

You may also want to make a few adjustments in your work life also.

  • Take a moment to Breathe. It may sound simple, but how often to you do it.
  • Find your Work-Life Balance. Your family and friends will be there, even when the job is gone.
  • Accept Imperfection. Mistakes are going to happen,
  • Celebrate the small victories throughout your day. Don’t dwell on your negative thoughts.
  • Be Creative. Use your imagination.

Be Inspired, Encouraged and Empowered to Live an Un-cluttered Life!

Let Us Help You! Don’t miss your spot to talk to me.

Schedule your FREE 30-min. Life Coaching Intro Call TODAY!

Meet Candy H. Speight, Owner/Cert. Life Coach/Prof. Organizer – During her 32-year career at Xerox, she spent fifteen (15) years, as a Field Service Manager. Her primary role was to manage, coach and counsel people, not only in the work environment, but also from a personal perspective. As a professional organizer, for more than 10 years now, she has always wanted not only to organize various living spaces for my clients, which will always remain her passion. As we move forward, as a certified life coach, she will inspire, encourage, motivate, and empower women to be the best that they can be, by un-cluttering their lives; mind, soul and space.  She has wonderfully loving, hardworking husband, Kurt, (who supported her decision to retire in order to pursue her dream), a very grown son and two beautiful grown daughters .

The steps of a good man [woman] are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. Psalm 37:23 KJV

Back to Busyness…

This is the time of year that most of us and going back to our busyness. For many, the summer months were for rest, relaxation, and vacation. However, the Fall is a season of change and transition. In spite of your hectic schedule, please find a moment or two, to Unclutter Your Mind.

Here are a few tips from Forbes magazine to help you throughout your day:

  • Smile
  • Keep company with good people, Connecting with others who radiate positivity and have similar interests will excite and energize you.
  • Avoid News overdose. Most, if not all of the news will not give you inspiration for your day.
  • Do something meaningful each day. Do something you enjoy every day, Putting effort into the things that matter and reserve your energy in ways that will bring out the best in you.

Be Inspired, Encouraged and Empowered to Live an Un-cluttered Life!

Let Us Help You! Don’t miss your spot to talk to me.

Schedule your FREE 30-min. Life Coaching Intro Call TODAY!

Meet Candy H. Speight, Owner/Cert. Life Coach/Prof. Organizer – During her 32-year career at Xerox, she spent fifteen (15) years, as a Field Service Manager. Her primary role was to manage, coach and counsel people, not only in the work environment, but also from a personal perspective. As a professional organizer, for more than 10 years now, she has always wanted not only to organize various living spaces for my clients, which will always remain her passion. As we move forward, as a certified life coach, she will inspire, encourage, motivate, and empower women to be the best that they can be, by un-cluttering their lives; mind, soul and space.  She has wonderfully loving, hardworking husband, Kurt, (who supported her decision to retire in order to pursue her dream), a very grown son and two beautiful grown daughters .

The steps of a good man [woman] are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. Psalm 37:23 KJV

Pivot Point…

As I mentioned last week, my Order Your Steps enterprise has had to pivot. We have had to make a slight adjustment is our direction. We will focus more on uncluttering minds, in addition to uncluttering spaces. Therefore, my posts will be more inspiring, encouraging, and empowering to help you to embrace a Life After Clutter: Mindset Shift and to Live on Purpose! It may be time for you to pivot…

  • Realize your true purpose in life
  • Strive to achieve clarity and focus of your mind
  • Create an atmosphere of peace, harmony, and grace

Be Inspired, Encouraged and Empowered to Live an Un-cluttered Life!

Let Us Help You! Don’t miss your spot to talk to me.

Schedule your FREE 30-min. Life Coaching Intro Call TODAY!

Meet Candy H. Speight, Owner/Cert. Life Coach/Prof. Organizer – During her 32-year career at Xerox, she spent fifteen (15) years, as a Field Service Manager. Her primary role was to manage, coach and counsel people, not only in the work environment, but also from a personal perspective. As a professional organizer, for more than 10 years now, she has always wanted not only to organize various living spaces for my clients, which will always remain her passion. As we move forward, as a certified life coach, she will inspire, encourage, motivate, and empower women to be the best that they can be, by un-cluttering their lives; mind, soul and space.  She has wonderfully loving, hardworking husband, Kurt, (who supported her decision to retire in order to pursue her dream), a very grown son and two beautiful grown daughters .

The steps of a good man [woman] are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. Psalm 37:23 KJV

The Psychology of Clutter

“We can reclaim our peace of mind by understanding why we are cluttering up our life, and then take the appropriate steps to de-clutter, and return balance and harmony to our space.”

Many of you may be scrambling to go back to the office a few days a week, yet you must still maintain your virtual office. So remember, whatever space you are in… Clutter is something we’ll always have to deal with, but it can be controlled. We should seek to create space that makes us feel at ease…

It’s the time of the year, to cleanse our inner space, spiritually un-clutter your mind & soul, and walk in our Divine Order. 

Be Inspired, Encouraged and Empowered to Live an Un-cluttered Life!

Let Us Help You! Don’t miss your spot to talk to me.

Schedule your FREE 30-min. Life Coaching Intro Call TODAY!

Meet Candy H. Speight, Owner/Cert. Life Coach/Prof. Organizer – During her 32-year career at Xerox, she spent fifteen (15) years, as a Field Service Manager. Her primary role was to manage, coach and counsel people, not only in the work environment, but also from a personal perspective. As a professional organizer, for more than 10 years now, she has always wanted not only to organize various living spaces for my clients, which will always remain her passion. As we move forward, as a certified life coach, she will inspire, encourage, motivate, and empower women to be the best that they can be, by un-cluttering their lives; mind, soul and space.  She has wonderfully loving, hardworking husband, Kurt, (who supported her decision to retire in order to pursue her dream), a very grown son and two beautiful grown daughters .

The steps of a good man [woman] are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. Psalm 37:23 KJV

Spring has Sprung…

Spring is a season of rebirth, rejuvenation, restoration and regrowth.  

In this season of refreshing & new birth, Spring is always the perfect time to go through your spring and summer wardrobe. Now is the time to sort through your clothes and purge those items that you no longer like and will probably never wear again.

Copyright: shotsstudio

It’s also a great time of the year to clean and organize our physical space. 

It’s the time of the year, to cleanse our inner space, spiritually un-clutter your mind & soul, and walk in our Divine Order. 

Be Inspired, Encouraged and Empowered to Live an Un-cluttered Life!

Let Us Help You! Don’t miss your spot to talk to me.

Schedule your FREE 30-min. Life Coaching Intro Call TODAY!

Meet Candy H. Speight, Owner/Cert. Life Coach/Prof. Organizer – During her 32-year career at Xerox, she spent fifteen (15) years, as a Field Service Manager. Her primary role was to manage, coach and counsel people, not only in the work environment, but also from a personal perspective. As a professional organizer, for more than 10 years now, she has always wanted not only to organize various living spaces for my clients, which will always remain her passion. As we move forward, as a certified life coach, she will inspire, encourage, motivate, and empower women to be the best that they can be, by un-cluttering their lives; mind, soul and space.  She has wonderfully loving, hardworking husband, Kurt, (who supported her decision to retire in order to pursue her dream), a very grown son and two beautiful grown daughters .

The steps of a good man [woman] are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. Psalm 37:23 KJV

This is NOT just your Ordinary Journal…


I had the opportunity to read through this very POWERFUL book for the first-time last night and it will truly inspire, encourage, and empower women of ALL ages. This journal can also be used by mothers, aunts, sisters and friends of young girls and teenagers. The “journal entries’ are from the many AMAZING contributing authors; some educators that mentor and empower young girls and others who are ministers and coaches of women all over the world. There are stories of struggling with self-esteem, surviving bullying in the workplace, overcoming mental and physical abuse, testimonies to God’s Grace in extremely painful times, and so much more…

Now I truly understand what Dr.@Tasheka Green, meant when she said that “These journal entries will transform your life, inspiring you to purposefully walk in the ways of a virtuous woman to exceed all expectations, discover what you never knew existed, live in a place of victory, and release all of the promises for your life.”


Be Inspired, Encouraged and Empowered to Live an Un-cluttered Life!

Let Us Help You! Don’t miss your spot to talk to me.

Schedule your FREE 30-min. Life Coaching Intro Call TODAY!

Meet Candy H. Speight, Owner/Cert. Life Coach/Prof. Organizer – During her 32-year career at Xerox, she spent fifteen (15) years, as a Field Service Manager. Her primary role was to manage, coach and counsel people, not only in the work environment, but also from a personal perspective. As a professional organizer, for more than 10 years now, she has always wanted not only to organize various living spaces for my clients, which will always remain her passion. As we move forward, as a certified life coach, she will inspire, encourage, motivate, and empower women to be the best that they can be, by un-cluttering their lives; mind, soul and space.  She has wonderfully loving, hardworking husband, Kurt, (who supported her decision to retire in order to pursue her dream), a very grown son and two beautiful grown daughters .

The steps of a good man [woman] are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. Psalm 37:23 KJV

Dream Bigger…

We must be prepared to step into a season that looks too big for us to handle and understand that we were created for this.  Our vision must be big enough to demand a bigger, better version of ourselves…
  • Move beyond your comfort zone
  • Being in control of what’s important
  • Avoid comparing to others

I am excited to announce that I am a Contributing Author in the new book, Women of Virtue Walking in Excellence 52-Week Journal: Exceed! Discover! Recover! Release! Our journal entries will transform your life, inspiring you to purposefully walk in the ways of a virtuous woman to exceed all expectations, discover what you never knew existed, live in a place of victory, and release all of the promises for your life.”


Be Inspired, Encouraged and Empowered to Live an Un-cluttered Life!

Let Us Help You! Don’t miss your spot to talk to me.

Schedule your FREE 30-min. Life Coaching Intro Call TODAY!

Meet Candy H. Speight, Owner/Cert. Life Coach/Prof. Organizer – During her 32-year career at Xerox, she spent fifteen (15) years, as a Field Service Manager. Her primary role was to manage, coach and counsel people, not only in the work environment, but also from a personal perspective. As a professional organizer, for more than 10 years now, she has always wanted not only to organize various living spaces for my clients, which will always remain her passion. As we move forward, as a certified life coach, she will inspire, encourage, motivate, and empower women to be the best that they can be, by un-cluttering their lives; mind, soul and space.  She has wonderfully loving, hardworking husband, Kurt, (who supported her decision to retire in order to pursue her dream), a very grown son and two beautiful grown daughters .

The steps of a good man [woman] are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. Psalm 37:23 KJV