Minimalism Redefined…

The other day, I was reading a bible plan on YouVersion entitled “Less Clutter, More Life” by Bob Lotch. In the reading, I found “minimalism” defined as “the intentional promotion of the things we most value and the removal of anything that distracts us from it.” by Joshua Becker. Bob said that if our walk with Jesus is the thing that we value most, then maybe we should be focusing on removing things in our lives that are distracting us from following Him. I’ve been a professional organizer for many years, but I had never looked at minimalism is this way before. I often told my clients that I didn’t support the idea of minimalism in this culture, because I always thought of it as owning a certain number of items and living in a tiny house. However, I must say that now my perspective has changed drastically.

JOURNAL PROMPT: What are your thoughts about minimalism considering this new definition? Please let us know in the comments…

Pull Away & Replenish

Copyright: pixelsaway

We’ve been pouring out and now it is time to be poured into…We are totally depleted physically, emotionally, and especially spiritually. It’s time to pull away from those things that have us stressed and exhausted. It’s may be as simple as pulling away from social media, leaving work a little early, and taking a few moments of quiet time to just Be Still.

Here are a few suggestions to start to replenish:

  • Get up early Saturday or Sunday morning, try not to snooze, and put your feet on the floor.
  •  Turn off the phone or at least silence it for ONE hour. Please do not scroll! Everyone else in the world seems so happy.
  • Find a quiet spot and open the curtains to your new day. Rain or shine, it’s gonna be a good day!
  • Open the window, if possible, we can definitely use some fresh air.
  • Fix you a cup of coffee or tea, take a deep breath and now you are ready for your next step. Read a devotional, journal, or just listen to music.

Enjoy the Joy!

Before we talk about my topic for today, Enjoy the Joy!… I need you to walk with me over the last six months of my life. Now don’t worry, life is good, however, this has been a year of evolution; unfolding, progressing, growing, developing, emerging, and maturing, even at age 66. We all know that change is evitable. Most times, we don’t have to make it happen, we must simply let it happen and not resist it. So, I need to take you back to last July. The Holy Spirit impressed upon me the need to complete a life coaching certification program, because the Lord was expanding my territory and increasing my influence, NOT for me, but for His Glory! Utlimately, my Order Your Steps enterprise would pivot from simply professional organizing and add life coaching to our portfolio of services. But now, I don’t believe that that is ALL that the Lord had in mind.

But as of January, I am a certified life coach, and by February, there was no un-cluttering closets, no new life coaching clients, and I think I’m stuck.  The Holy Spirit said, “No, you are not stuck, to whom much is given, much is required”. I understand that I will be pushed beyond my limits and stretched beyond what I believe that I am capable of, but now what? The Lord continued to clear my calendar, one client at a time.  At this point, I was convinced that the Lord was freeing up my time for a specific reason and it was not so that I can play Words with Friends.  I believed that I had completed all the planning as the Holy Spirit had instructed and I was ready for my next step, so I thought.  Obviously, this had always been a part of God’s plan.  He had not said to turn around, He simply needed me to pivot, just to take a one quarter turn, for me to make a slight adjustment.  I had to stay on track, the course hasn’t changed, it’s just an aspect of His plan that I did not anticipate. 

First, I needed to realize the magnitude of my new assignment, and second, I had to be truly prepared mentally and spiritually for what was ahead.  Our assignments are meant to make us uncomfortable. Our vision must be big enough to demand a bigger, better version of ourselves. As I think back, I wonder how could I have had so much confidence to get this far, but now I’m just not sure. The Lord will stop us in our tracks and tell us to pivot, regroup, and take some time to settle down. 

So by now, I’m sure you are wondering, what does any of this have to do with “Enjoy the Joy”? Because through all of this, I’ve learned to settle into the Joy of the Lord! This is not a place of happiness per se, but a place of contentment. There are times that we make things harder than they need to be, until we find that it is so much easier to embace the Lord’s plan for our lives. I was on track to do the same things that I was comfortable with but only at a higher level. But that’s not exactly what the Lord had in mind; I could have done that by myself.  We must understand that He must open a new door for us to walk in, but then we are in a room that is totally unfamiliar to us. He is taking us where we’ve never been before.  So, we must walk into the room, not with arrogance, but with His confidence, our obedience, and the power of the Holy Spirit.

For now, the Holy Spirit has compelled me to write another book, with a client thrown in from time to time, as He continues to prepare me for the room and the room for me. Writing a book will not be easy, and what He is asking you to do may be difficult also.  We could have handled what we were used to, but the Lord will put us in a situation where we must work even harder to achieve what is required of us.  Then Holy Spirit said, “That’s right and now we have no choice but to do it His way”!  Working hard, God’s way, means that we must trust Him, and we are allowing Him to lead the way.  It will take time, patience, and perseverance.  So, we pivot!  We prepare for the notoriety and the naysayers, especially when that naysayer is us.  We must be confident that He has always done what He has said He would do, and He always will. No more insecurity, no more second guessing, no more doubting.  We must be willing to pivot, if and when needed, adjusting to the Lord’s pace and His timeline, not our deadlines. It’s not about us, it’s never been about us, and never will be about us! It’s about His desire to work through us to benefit others and glorify Him. Ultimately, we must Enjoy the Joy…, I know that I am!

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” – 1 Corinthians 2:9

“Food for the Soul” for the Weekend!

Here’s a little Inspiration to carry you through the weekend and for the week to come..

WARNING:  I am by no means advocating that this is a proven medical solution to depression, I am only sharing my experience with journaling as I worked through my depression.

For More Soul Food, Please check out Order Your Steps